

Cassy POV

One look at my brother, and I knew he was not having the best times.

He kissed my cheeks, his eyes landed on Tory, and he smiled.

“How’s my second favorite girl doing?” He asked.

He approached Tory and buzzed her cheek.

Tory pursed her lips. “I am fine Adam.”

My brother shook his head at Tory's unlively response. “You don’t look like it. Honest? You look like h*ll."

Tory's puffy eyes were a dead giveaway.

"But don’t worry, I already fixed the guy for you. I gave him two powerful punches tonight. Consider it as having your grievances avenged.”

Adam sounded flippant, but I knew it was not easy.

Tony must have broken the last shred of control my brother has to arrive at that point. Adam is the most patient and understanding man I know.

He never judges and would choose to maintain the peace rather than sow discord.

He saw the food laid out on the table and went to the drawers to get a plate and cutlery for himself.

Then, he sat beside Tory.

He ladled the soup, put it into
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