
Forty seven

As Zephyr heard her words, he frowned. Was he that bad? Did she hate him that much?

"I'm sorry" He apologized even when he knew that a simple apology couldn't bring back her parents but he still did. He couldn't remember killing her parents but the deed had already been done. He just wanted to make things right with her. She was the first person that he had ever apologized to and he didn't mind. He didn't mind it as long as she'd forgive him.

Bellona looked up at him in shock. She didn't expect him to apologise out of nowhere. It left her speechless.

"I'm sorry for everything I've done. If you could give me the chance, I'll make things right." Zephyr said sincerely. He didn't know what came over him but what he knew was that he had tucked in his emotions for song long and now, it was overflowing. He couldn't control himself.

"I- I" Bellona stuttered, her mouth unable to form coherent words. His sudden apology sounded so sincere that it threatened to break the walls she had taken years
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