
Chapter Forty Nine

The huge doors creaking open and I clutch my hands at my side and enter as confidently as I can. Mia looks at my fists forming and holds my hand . I smile at her and she gives me one smile before leaving my side .

As soon as I take a step inside I see various expressions on every person present . Some people gasp and some sneer and some look like they want to attack me . I gulp and Kai and dad stand in front of me.

" They won't hurt you." Kai assures me as he whispers .

I nod briefly and look at the council.

" Everyone , Meet my daughter , Ella. " As soon as dad says those words , every body is shocked . They start firing questions at the same time and their voices are so loud that I flinch .

How? She didn't die with Qetsiyah ? When did you find her? Where was she all this time? Blah blah blah.

" Silence!" Dad shouts and they take their seats.

" I will answer all your questions but only if you stop talking and start listening. " He says and they all nod.

Kai and dad sit , so I too fo
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