

The cool breeze on my bare legs jolted me awake. When I turned to my nightstand to see what time it was, the alarm clock read 2am. So I sat up in bed, trying to adjust my eyes to the dimly lit room, but something didn't feel right; I had an uneasy feeling that someone was watching me.

My gaze scanned the dimly lit room until it settled on a dark figure standing motionless in the corner of my room, his gaze fixed on me.I thought I was seeing things until the figure blinked, causing me to let out a loud gasp and tighten my grip on the blanket as a makeshift shield.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my room?" I asked but he didn't reply and just stood there staring at me.

"If you don't answer me, I'm going to scream," I said to the intruder standing in the corner of my room, while trying to find something to protect myself, hoping this was just a dream and he wasn't really in my room.

"We both know you are not going to scream Princessa," the intruder said and I recognized his voice
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