

A fierce determination settled within Alex, his gaze hardened with resolve. " She'll pay for it all. I can't believe I was in love with such a person. I won't rest until justice is served "

As the night descended, the trio sat in the quiet of the mansion, strategizing and planning their next steps. Despite the turmoil and the uncertain road ahead, they found solace in their unity and shared determination to right the wrongs inflicted by Angel.

As though Ava suddenly remembered something, she said to Jack " It's late Jack, you should get going "

Jack smiled knowingly " Why? "

He saw a surprised look crossed over Ava's features " Are you seriously asking me why?? Where is Liam?? "

Jack laughed " Come on, I wouldn't leave my boy in the hands of just anyone, would I? He's perfectly safe "

Ava continued to stare at him, trying to figure out if what he said was true.

" Come on Ava, trust me "Jack added with a chuckle.

Finally, Ava relaxed visibly and focused on Alex. With each passing mo
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