

Ava smiled gently, understanding the weight of his request. " Alex, their love will always be with you. And I'm here, standing by your side through everything "

They strolled through the quiet cemetery, the air growing cooler as evening settled in. The silence between them was comfortable, carrying unspoken words of support and understanding.

As they reached a bench overlooking the serene landscape, Alex took a deep breath. " I've never brought anyone here before. But with you, it feels right "

Ava squeezed his hand affectionately. " I'm honored, Alex "

They sat together, the fading light casting long shadows across the graves. Memories flooded Alex's mind as he reminisced about childhood adventures and the wisdom his parents imparted.

" They were so full of life " Alex reflected softly. " They believed in love that endures, no matter the circumstances "

Ava nodded, her eyes reflecting compassion " Their love lives on through you, Alex. It's in the way you care for others, the kindnes
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