
Another Favor

“Dante Martinez,” she whispered in disbelief, her eyes as wide as saucers.

He had become even more handsome than before. Manlier. The raw energy emanating from him was palpable, reaching her even from a distance with remarkable strength. With his striking appearance, he could easily give even the Gods a run for their money. His straight nose and sharp jawline gave his face a regal air. His bearing bespoke of confidence and class.

She gaped at him as he buttoned up his suit, every movement exuding elegance. With an effortless grace, he proceeded towards the building, his imposing figure surrounded by his bodyguards who kept the crowd from invading his space. The reporters threw questions his way but he didn’t bother to even glance at them, let alone answer.

She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him until he disappeared inside the building.

Would he recognize her? Would he help her?

The thought suddenly struck her. She was desperate to get out of the dark pit she was curren
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
The nerve of her to seek help from him when she had rejected him for another man just on eve of their wedding.. She had suddenly found him alluring now when she had thought of him like a statue 4 years ago .. so contradictory.

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