
Chapter 631: Am I beautiful?

"Well, there's something," Diana began, "Do you have any free time tomorrow night?"

"I have an interview."

"Ah? How long will the interview last? Will it be over by around nine in the evening?"

"I'm not sure..."

As Ben pondered when the interview might end, he suddenly felt a soft hand on his chest, drawing circles. Liora leaned in close, her actions teasingly ambiguous.

In the darkness, though he couldn't see her expression clearly, Ben sensed something in her gaze that stirred him.

With her touch, Ben's already compromised intelligence swiftly plummeted further.

"Uh, about the time..." Ben stammered, "I think it starts around... a few hours before nine?"

Diana picked up on his unease. "Ben, is someone there with you? You sound flustered."

"No... no, it's just..." Ben's voice trailed off as the phone was snatched from his hand.

Liora leaned in, her voice low and seductive. "Hey, little Diana, it's me. I

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