
38. Compassion

Lusiana's initial shock at Virginia's display of defiance soon transformed into a burning desire to exert her dominance and make Virginia's life unbearable. The defiance in Virginia's eyes only fueled Lusiana's determination to put her in her place. She saw an opportunity to exert her power and authority, relishing in the ability to torment the woman she viewed as an intruder.

Lusiana's acts of cruelty escalated, each one carefully calculated to bring Virginia further misery. She would purposefully kick Virginia's leg as she carried a tray of fragile eggs, causing them to crash to the floor, leaving a mess of broken shells and yolk. Lusiana reveled in the chaos and the satisfaction of witnessing Virginia's humiliation.

But Virginia, though wounded and downtrodden, refused to succumb to Lusiana's tactics. She drew upon her inner strength, determined not to let the cruelty break her spirit. With each act of sabotage, Virginia picked up the pieces, both literally and figuratively, cleani
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