

"In short like that," said Sandra then while eating the food menu that they each ordered.

Well, apparently she didn't expect Liam's kindness and dexterity for her. In fact, she never even told Liam about it. But.. the man chose to find out alone and solve it alone, even looking for Sandra's whereabouts.

"I'm sorry about everything that happened to you. If you had told me then I would have beaten that man on the spot," said Sandra and of course Emily could see that she could smile awkwardly when she heard that.

Well, all right, that's all in the past and this time Emily felt very safe by Liam's side.

Drrt! Drrt!

Liam immediately took his vibrating cellphone, "Enjoy your meal, I'll be gone for a while to take care of my work."

After saying this, Liam immediately got up from his position and walked away leaving all of them.

She can see Sandra staring intently at Emily at this time and choosing to bring her face closer to Em
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