
Chapter 41 - Bailey

After what had felt like the longest drive in history, though perhaps that was something to do with the fact my Dad had done nothing but rant the whole time since the moment I had mentioned the whole Miles and Morgan situation, we had arrived safely at the gates of Autumn Valley Pack heading toward 2am. I felt terrible arriving at that time, wishing we had found a hotel nearby to stay, rather than turning up at the pack now, but my Dad was adamant somebody would be up. Not to mention Luna Eden had said anytime would be fine…

The guard at the gate had greeted us cheerfully considering the ungodly hour, and he had said he had been expecting me, so at least Luna Eden hadn’t forgotten about my arrival. He allowed me through the gate with no issues, giving me directions to the packhouse, telling me that someone would meet me there. So, I assumed Luna Eden would find me there. She did say she would be giving me a room in the packhouse for the first few weeks possibly, until a home was arran
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