
Chapter 55

The appearance of that evil uncle didn't feel so bad, it felt like I could depend on him, not the kind that depended on my mother, but the kind if a bunch of people came to bully Ella Lazy and mother, mother and daughter will not need to be afraid to fight back, is this the feeling of having a father? Ella Lazy shakes her head, can't arbitrarily accept her father like that, this person she doesn't see a normal relationship with her mother, the first time she saw her mother hate such a person, she also wondered what the identity of this obnoxious uncle. Stopping in front of the KFC, she brought Ella Lazy to eat, not beyond her expectations, the other tail still followed, she was so tired that she didn't even want to write. Orly Lazy and Ella Lazy sat down at the same table, and after a while Ramma Aubrey also came over to sit.

Orly Lazy took a deep breath with a helpless smile, trying to keep her voice from getting too loud, but she could still hear the anger in it.

"General Ramma Aubr
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