


My life is coming to an end, and today is the day.

The mansion has been buffed and polished to an almost blinding shine. The main hall had already been set up with an altar and a lot of expensive white gold decorations.

Dad has not spared any expenses.

The cellar is stocked with extravagant wine labels. The buffet table is filled with an overwhelming quantity of food.

How many people are attending this wedding ceremony anyways?

I stand again before the floor to ceiling mirrors while Yulia tries to fix my veil. A flurry of activity is currently going on around me, but I barely notice. It's like the train wreck that is my life is playing out in slow motion, and I'm worried that I might not be strong enough to pull myself from the rubble. My stomach twists with nerves. My shoulders are stiff with tension.

The makeup professional dabs the final and only later of foundation on my face. Dad being Dad wanted heavy, extravagant make-up. I on the other hand, want something light and ra
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