
127|House Of Cards

"Eden!" Laura was a picture of joy and politeness as she dazzled her with her megawatt smile.

Eden could see right through her fake friendliness, though. But she smiled back anyway as she tried to side-step her.

Laura quickly blocked her path. "Can we talk?"

Eden didn't think they had anything to talk about, considering they didn't know each other very well. Before she could refuse, though, Liam's ex took her hand and pushed her to a dimly lit corner a few meters from the restrooms.

"What's this about?" Eden demanded as soon as they were out of earshot and prying eyes.

"I get to ask the questions, and you just listen," the other woman snapped, her saccharine smile vanishing as quickly as it had appeared, leaving a frostiness that chilled Eden to the bone. "Now, how long are you planning to keep this up?"

"What?" She asked, baffled by the question.

"Your innocent act," Laura murmured. "We both know you are hardly the saint that

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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
Elizabeth Emery
She might be pregnant again so she might as well tell him now. Stop being so impractical and stop judging him because at one time he felt like getting his golden nuggets removed. I know of a number of women who changed their mens views about having children. It is not all that uncommon.
goodnovel comment avatar
Becky Eribenne
She is such a drama queen....
goodnovel comment avatar
Jacqueline Stanczuk
She really needs to have an adult conversation at this point yelling at him and not listening to his side is getting her nowhere so he wanted a vasectomy back then people change and guess what you already had his kid grow up and come clean stop being a whiny brat

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