

'You can't,' he said. 'Veronica has resigned. I need a housekeeper. You're my wife, as you've pointed out to me on more than one occasion. So for once, instead of causing me a problem, you can solve one for me.'

Just as if I'm some interchangeable cog in his well-oiled housekeeping machine, Isabella thought disbelievingly. Yet, in a way, she wished she could stay. Brand would manage without her very well. But it would please her to run his house for him, to act as if she were his wife in more than name . . .

No. She mustn't even think it. Brand didn't want her as his wife. He had made that abysmally clear.

'I'm sorry. Brand,' she said with quiet resolution. 'But you'll have to solve your problem some other way.'

When he only looked at her with his head lowered, as if he were a bull about to charge, she turned her back on him and started to leave the room.

'Stay where you are,' he said.

Isabella stopped, too startled to ignore him. Did he honestly think he had the right to tell her wha
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