


'Cliff, you’d better go wake your dad up and tell him we’re leaving.’

‘Huh? What? Leaving? Where are we going?’ Cliff came instantly awake, if not instantly intelligent.

‘To the hospital, silly. Dr Baker said, when the contractions were five minutes apart, to call her and then to come in. I’ve called her and she’ll be there. waiting for us.’

He sat up in bed staring at her, stark terror on his face. ‘Lynne, now wait a minute. I don’t think! . can... I don’t know if I... Oh, my God! Now? Right now?’

Lynne nodded and sat on the edge of the bed, rocking back and forth for several long seconds while Cliff held her shoulders and prayed. Hard.

‘Go and wake up your dad,’ she said when she could breathe evenly again. ‘So he knows he has to listen for the kids and make them breakfast and stuff.” Vincent had insisted on spending the last three weeks of Lynne’s pregnancy with them for just that reason.

When Cliff came back with a tall, straight and immediately alert Vincent in to
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