
Chapter 93

Luca’s POV

I leaned my head against the head rest of the car and dragged in a deep breath as the car started to pull away from its parked position, slowly pulling out and edging backwards for the car containing my bodyguards to take the lead first, before the one James and I were currently in, falling behind the first car almost immediately… and finally, the last car which belonged to James, that was currently being ridden by one of my guards, fell into lane behind the one I was currently in at the moment.

I sat up and leaned forward in my seat a little, signaling for the bodyguard who usually sat in the front of the car beside the driver and asked him to turn on the air conditioner to the highest before leaning back in my seat and dragging in another deep breath. The clouds were getting really, really darker and I knew even without checking the time out on my phone, that it was already some minutes after seven p.m in the evening.

I raised my hand up and ran it through my hair
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goodnovel comment avatar
You love writing useless chapters

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