

Kenneth Domanco

I crouched to her level on the floor as I asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yo... You came for me?" She looks stunned.

"Of course, I have to. You're in danger. Come on, I will take you home" I said before standing up on my feet.

"No, please! Don't take me home. Could you please take me somewhere safe? I don't want to go home. I'm scared" she beseeches me. I stared at her face for a few seconds and sighed.

"Fine! I will help you up" I scoop her up in my arms and sauntered straight to where my car was parked. Before we got to where my car was parked, I could see that she was busy staring at me like someone who is about to have me raw.

"Stop staring at me like that, you're making me feel uncomfortable" I said and at the same time, we got to my car. I opened the door and gently placed her on the passenger seat. I walk up to the other side and hopped in, ignite the car engine, and drove off straight to my hotel.

"Your wife must have been lucky to have a man like you" she begins
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