

After an hour of waiting I saw the black jaguar pulling up. Damn! He finally came. Thank goodness. Let him come up. I waited for him and he dashed inside his cabin hurriedly. 

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked. 

"How did you know I was here" I raised my eyebrows. 

"I saw you peeping out from the glass window" he sighed.

"Anyways listen. I was coming upstairs............................................That was the same person whom I saw that day in the bus" I narrated him the whole story. 

"That day means which day?" He asked. 

"The day when the file was lost" I told it clearly this time. He didn't have any reaction on his face. He just nodded and sat down to work. 

"Why you so cool?" I asked him. 

"We will enquire when she comes back. You sit down now why are you standing." He commanded. 

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