
Chapter Twenty Seven

"But I don't understand. Why would my parents adopt him?"

"Why didn't they tell me?"

"Does Logan know that he is adopted?"

Christian sighed, "I don't have the answers to your questions. The only people that can answer that unfortunately are not alive."


Ryke interrupted her, "Crystal. It has been a really long day. Why don't we just go home and we will figure the rest of it out?"

He turned to Christian, "I need you to find out who is sending her those messages."

"Of course. Crystal if I may, I think there is so much more to your parents death. If someone had them murdered, there is a possibility that-"

"Christian", Ryke warned.

"I'm sorry. I will leave and get started on tracking that number."

"Thank you." Ryke and Crystal said at the same time.

Crystal waited for Christian to leave before she asked, "Am I in danger?"

"No. But I will need you to keep your head low for the mean time. You will only go to school and then from school, you will go straight back home."


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