
Chapter 302 Saving the Ancient Kingdom of the Underworld

Fate is unpredictable.

  King Fish had never imagined that one of his own self-taught cats would one day teach a true descendant of the Underworld to read and write, and to read the native script of the Underworld.

  The Underworld Palace lost the Underworld Immortal Scrolls, and the textual memories in the ancient inheritance of the Underworld Monarch were incomplete, which made many of the ancient scrolls in the Palace impossible for the Underworld Monarch to flip through.

  It, on the other hand, had been using the Underworld Immortal Scroll as a demonic elixir for many years, and the words in it had long since become telepathic with him and familiar with each other.

  "In the previous month, how come I didn't realize that you were such a cat talent?" The Underworld Monarch looked at the white cat lying on the desktop with a haughty look on its face and tsked, saying, "You can't really be the reincarnation of Shimeji, can you? Did Shimeji take some kind of

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