


Sickness washed over her as she grabbed her towel and walked quickly to catch up to him.

"Damon. Talk to me." She pulled at his arm as they moved into the living room. The house was quiet, the only sound being their breathing.

He turned, his face a mask of anger. Bethany backed up a step, not sure how to respond to his glare. She had done something to set him off, and yet she hadn't seen him since they held each other all night on Thursday.

"I just got a call from our lawyers that one of my interns broke another intern’s nose. The intern that's in the hospital is looking to sue my firm because of it. Did you not want to mention that before I had to stand condemned for shitty management skills before the lawyers? Do you think that lying is the way to build a business relationship with me? What else haven't you told me? Care to confess now?" he barked at her, running his fingers through his dark hair and beginning to pace in front of her.

Bethany pulled the towel closer, suddenl
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