


Bethany paused outside of Kent's office. Her heart was racing, pumping excitement down every open vein. It had been a few days since she had found herself wrapped up in her new obsession. The situation with Krista and Jake had taken all of her extra time outside of work and school, and honestly left her emotionally spent.

Damon was getting impatient with his needs, and more than anything, she had to have a night of him reminding her of what it was to live. She let out a long breath before walking into Kent's office. Now wasn't the time to imagine all of the things Damon would do to her if she would just make a few minutes and invite him in.

"There you are." Kent stood and extended his hand toward the well-dressed woman beside him. Her hair was shoulder length and sandy blonde. The red suit she wore fit her athletic frame well, the color screaming that the woman was a creative type. Her blue eyes pinned Bethany in place as she extended her hand.

"I'm Erica Hall. I assume you're
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