
New Job


When Luke and I finally peeled ourselves away from the bedroom, we settled on the couch. Armed with more coffee and two heavy blankets, we snuggled up together and watched television. The hours flew by with me snuggled up so close to Luke that I could count his heartbeats thrumming against my cheek.

In the time we’d dated, there hadn’t been many moments of us sitting still. I supposed without a kingdom or company to be in charge of, Luke was finally able to relax.

But I couldn’t turn my mind off. Seeing him was a pleasant surprise, and the sex we had last night was incredible, but what was going to happen tomorrow or the day after? Luke said he loved me, and I said it in return—in an appropriate amount of time—but were the problems that kept us apart still around? Did he plan on giving up the kingdom for me, or was this a proper goodbye?

My phone rang, and I was surprised to see that it was almost five in the afternoon.

“Do you have to get that?” Luke asked with a frown.

I grab
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