
Ready for Anything


My life flashed before my eyes, and I skittered back a few feet, showing that I wasn’t a threat. Keeping my hands where they could see them, I tried to peer around them to see if I could spot Abir or even, Luke himself.

“I’ve come a long way,” I said.

“Move along,” the first guard said.

I wasn’t leaving without seeing Luke. They would have to drag me away before I gave up.

“Please, I need to see Lu—Prince Luke,” I said.

“Sophia?” Luke’s commanding voice sounded behind the guards.

The guards moved aside, while remaining between Luke and me.

My gaze flicked to Luke. He was in a suit, just like the first time I met him. My heart galloped as I drank him in. It looked as if he hadn’t shaved or slept all week. Seeing the effects of me leaving him wasn’t something I was proud of, but the result warmed my insides. He looked like a rugged model that might grace the cover of a women’s magazine.

“Luke,” I said, stepping closer to the gate.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, not moving f
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