
52 - Fred

When we arrived at the port, we walked a little further towards the beach marina, where some speedboats and Jet Skis were anchored. Right in front of us had appeared a man with apparently 45 years old, gray hair, with a smile from corner to corner on his face.

“ Hello. My name is Josh. I'm an instructor for the use of Jet Skis. "He said, stretching his hand towards me.

" Nice to meet you Josh, we'll talk on the phone earlier. Friederich Hanson. "I shook your hand briefly.

“Oh, of course. Mr. Hanson, the Jet Ski is ready for your use. "He pointed to a Jet Ski slightly parked away from others.

"you bring what I asked for?”

Becca looked closely in our directions, her hands were sweaty, I assume to say that anxiety was visible in her body.

“ Of course. "He leaned over the speedboat next to us, taking a life jacket. " Put that on, ma'am. "He handed the vest to Becca.

"Are you not going to use one too? "She asked, releasing my hand and pressing the vest against her tight white shirt, then p
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