
Chapter 123

Chapter 123

...Author's narrative...

After a few minutes, Garvin walked back into the Kitchen

"You are finally back, your tea is even cold" Sofia said when she noticed his presence

Garvin kneeled down on one knee and pulled out a box opening it,

"Garvin" Sofia said her eyes already watering

"Will you Sofia Madison marry me and make me the happiest man on earth?" It was all too sudden but she loved this man and God knew this was like a dream come true, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him

"Yes, I will" she said as she put forth her finger,

He finally put the ring on her finger and stood up hugging her

" i am so happy Sofia, I promise to make you the happiest woman on earth" and she did trust him because she loved him and she knew he loved her just as much.

The made breakfast together, laughing and chatting, it all felt like a dream to both of them.

"So, I know this is sudden but when do you think the wedding should be?" Garvin asked while they were having breakfast

"I do
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