
Chapter 134

Chapter 134


We had been outside the ICU for close to three hours when finally, the door opened

"Doctor!" Both me and Lisa said at the same time

Some nurses past by with a bed carrying Max

"What's wrong with him?" Lisa asked while I rushed to my son's bed moving along the nurses

"Follow me to my office" the Doctor instructed,

I let the nurses take Max to the room he had been previously in while I followed Lisa and the doctor

We got to the Doctor's office,

"Please take a seat" the doctor said, Lisa and I did just that as I tried to wipe the tears away from my face, I was getting rather impatient

"What's wrong with my son Doctor?" I quickly asked

"You are the mother?" He asked looking at his paperwork

"Yes and this is his grandma" I answered impatiently

"Miss, we can't tell what's wrong with your son for now, we will do more tests tomorrow and try to find out what exactly is the matter, all I can say is that he is in a very condition, just there, we were about to lose him",
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