
Chapter 46

Chapter 46


I opened my heavy eyes and looked around the room,

The room was unfamiliar but after focusing my vision, I realized I was in a hospital room,

"You are awake" I heard Saul's voice say and turned to the direction of the voice.

At the sight of him, I remembered exactly what had happened

"Where is Max?" I asked hopefull that Saul had him by now, my heart broke when I Saul stared on the floor his head held low,

I got out of bed and went to kneel in front of him

"Saul please, where is my son?" I asked almost crying

"I don't know, Dad has him" I instantly stood up and paced around the room,

"Why, why does he have my son, why is he keeping him away from me?" I asked

"I don't know, I, I, tried to convince him to bring him back but he refused, we will just have to give him some time keith"

"Some time?!, Saul am sick and tired of this place, am tired of your family doing this, my son is innocent, he does not deserve this, just because he is your son doesn't mean
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