
11. Is it true?

“What? No way! I've told you a million times that I'll take care of your mom and you don't have to work. But you don't trust me.”

“I didn't come here to be just a hookup, and now I'm pregnant with your baby. Are you trying to make me look bad?”

“You care too much about what other people think. Sara lived with Ricky before they got married, and no one judged her for it. Why should it be any different for us?”

“She's Mrs. Dixon, Ryan! No one's gonna mess with her. But you ain't Mr. Dixon. What difference does it make if you're the best actor?” Gracie retorted.

“I'm telling you, I ain't Ricky. I don't wanna make the same mistake he did. I can't stay away from you during your pregnancy. I don't wanna lose my kid just he did,” Ryan said, his voice tinged with anger.

Sara Owen was taken aback by Ryan's outburst. Gracie and Ryan fell silent, looking at Sara's flushed face.

"What the hell did you just say?" Sara asked. Ryan let out a sigh, realizing he messed up.

"Oh, crap. Sorry, Sara. I shouldn't have said anything," Ryan apologized.

Sara was panicking now. She had lost her first child, and only Gracie knew about it. Not even Yohan Dixon...

"Ryan, who told you about it?" Sara asked anxiously, swallowing hard.

Ryan looked at her with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry, Sara. When I was drinking with Ricky and he found out about your miscarriage."

Sara Owen trembled. Had Yohan Dixon already known about his first child?

"We all know he's got bipolar disorder, and, his anger can be fierce. When he kicked you out of the villa, deep down he was sad, even though he never let it show. And nobody knew you were pregnant. You know, we used to hang out every day in his private cabin at Dixon Headquarters. And that night when he found out about your miscarriage from the car accident, I was there, drinking with him. He couldn't handle it and just had to come and bring you back with him."

“Then why didn't he never tell me any of this?”

"He didn't want to hurt you by bringing up painful memories," Ryan Jenkins explained.

Sara put her hand over her mouth, her eyes welling up with tears.

"I can't believe it," she whispered.

“Sara, it’s okay. It’s past.” Gracie comforted her.

"I remember when he found out about your miscarriage... There were tears in his eyes, something I never saw before." Ryan said.

Sara Owen was wearing baggy midi to hide her belly. Her hands started shaking as she heard everything. She gently pressed her belly.

Gracie and Ryan looked at each other with surprise as they saw her belly. Sara Owen broke into tears.

She was scared about how her husband would react if he saw her pregnant after he returned. But now she was confident that he would be overjoyed to know about their child.

“You… You’re pregnant, Sara?” Gracie asked with surprise. Sara Owen wiped her tears and held Gracie’s palm with bright smile.

Sara took Gracie’s hand in hers, “Listen, honey, being a mother is the best feeling in the world. And losing your child is the worst. So please, listen to Ryan. Society and marriage don’t matter as long as you’re with the one you love and your child. Trust me on this.”

Ryan Jenkins wrapped his arms around Gracie and let out a deep sigh as they watched Sara Owen leave the restaurant.

"I'm sorry, Ryan," Gracie said, holding him tighter.

"I'm going to call the reporters and proudly declare it. I'm going to be a dad!" Ryan exclaimed.

Gracie looked up at him with affection and he held her face in his warm hands, giving her a peck on her forehead.

"And you're going to be the mother," he said with a smile.

Gracie beamed with joy.

Upon arriving at Dixon villa, Sara Owen was informed by the housekeeper that Bruno Dixon was waiting for her in his study room. Sara entrusted her belongings to the housekeeper and quickly made her way to the study room.


"Come in," Bruno Dixon said, keeping his eyes closed.

Sara closed the door and walked towards him. "What's up?"

"Sit down," he gestured to the chair in front of him.

Sara Owen sat down in front of Bruno Dixon, feeling a little nervous. He seemed to be tense and had his eyes closed when she entered. When he opened his eyes and spoke, Sara swallowed nervously.

"Jack called and said you went to see your best friend," Bruno said.

"Yeah, Gracie texted me," Sara replied.

"How's she doing?" he asked.

"She's doing well. Ryan and Gracie had a little argument, but I went to help sort things out. Everything is fine now," Sara said in a more relaxed tone.

"If they had a fight, why do your eyes look puffy?"

"I just have a little headache," Sara replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Natalie and I always say that Ricky must have fallen for you because of your innocent charm, but now I'm not so sure," Bruno continued.

"What are you talking about, Uncle?"

"Is it true that you and Neel had feelings for each other while he was studying in Vento University?" Bruno finally asked.

Sara Owen quickly lowered her head to escape from embarrassment.

“Does Ricky know?”

Sara Owen hesitantly nodded.

"I'm sorry, uncle." She said in her trembling voice.

“Ricky can be a bit of a hothead, but he's also brilliant. Nobody knows what goes on in his head, but people are afraid of him when he gets angry. It's natural to have crushes in college, and I'm proud of you for respecting the integrity of our family by staying loyal to your husband after marriage.”

Bruno got up from his chair and approached her.

“My dear, I know you're scared, but I can't stop my son. And I can't even tell Natalie the truth. The only thing I can do for you is…”

Sara Owen anxiously gazed at Bruno Dixon, worried that he might tell her to leave the family.

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