


"Shit! We have to go. Now!" Vanessa whisper-yells.

My frozen limbs finally kick into motion, and I hurry after her and into the plane. Just before the pilot shuts the doors, I hear a thunder of footsteps as Mason and his men begin to run up the stairs to our floor.

"Oh my God, hurry!" Vanessa yells at the pilot. There's no point of whispering anymore. Mason already knows we're here.

Fear and anticipation sit heavily in my stomach. I silently curse the part of me that wishes Mason would actually be able to stop this jet. The part that wishes he would apologize for humiliating me at the party tonight, and wouldn't hurt me.

I sit quietly in my seat, unable to move or speak, trying to control my roiling emotions. The pilot takes his precious time preparing the controls and flipping switches. A numb part of my mind silently yells at him to hurry the fuck up.

Just as the plane begins to taxi down the make shift runway, Mason and his men finally arrive.

My heart stops as he comes into
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