
Chapter 49

Summer looked up from her plate, her gaze meeting his briefly before flitting away. "Yeah, everything's fine," she replied, her voice distant.

Osiris's brows furrowed, his eyes searching hers for answers. "You seem... different. Is something bothering you?"

Summer's shoulders tensed slightly, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her napkin. "I'm just dealing with some stuff," she offered, her tone evasive.

He leaned in, his voice a whisper in the quiet room. "You can talk to me, you know. We're a team, remember?"

She met his gaze for a moment, a fleeting look that held a mixture of emotions—uncertainty, guilt, and a flicker of something else. But then, she looked away again. "I know, Osiris. It's just... things have been a bit overwhelming lately."

A heavy pause hung between them, the weight of unspoken words filling the air. Osiris's heart ached, a sense of helplessness settling over him as he realized how distant they had become. He missed the easy laughter, the shared moments, th
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