
Chapter 5 The best part

Andrea was totally speechless.This wasn’t how she pictured this going at all.

She didn’t even imagine that he would agree.To clear her conscience as to regards to the promise she made to her grandma,she had only wanted to come here and inform him about their engagement.

She felt that he would instantly refuse but then her grandmother won’t blame her too much for not marrying this man.At least she had try to reason with him but suddenly, he agreed.

Now what was she supposed to do?

She never took this engagement seriously.

She didn’t want to marry someone she barely knew.

She was still lost in her thoughts wondering what to do.How could she escape this marriage union without upsetting this powerful man and also the spirit of her grandmother?

Sebastian on the other hand was very thrilled about this union.He said to Bruno.

“Go bring the car to the front door.”

Bruno and Raphael’s shocked mouths couldn’t close.

What was going on?

They knew very well about how Sebastian had sworn never to get married.

But now he was eagered to get a marriage license?

Did this girl cast a spell on him or something?

Bruno hurried out of the office to get the car ready.

Andrea stared up at Sebastian and gulped.

“Mr…Mr Munoz,are you sure about this?”

Sebastian frowned on seeing how nervous she suddenly was.

Wasn’t she the woman who had boldly asked him to marry her just now?

“Yes.I want to marry you.Is there a problem,Andrea?”

Something about the way he called her name twisted her brain.

She could barely think properly now.

But was there really no way to back out of this marriage?

She was the one who came here to tell this man about it.

She had hoped he would refuse so her grandma could see that she had at least tried to get married.

But then,the reverse happened and she couldn’t think of a way out.

If she were to tell him that she would having second thoughts about this,what would he think of her?

And wouldn’t that make her grandmother roll in her grave?

All her thoughts fled when Sebastian held her hand and then he asked again.

“Is there any problem,Andrea?”

Enchanted by him,she shook her head.

And that was how Andrea found him leading her out of the company.

The employees they passed by had their mouths wide open to see their boss holding a woman’s hand.


Andrea stared at the building in front of them as the car slowly came to a halt.

They were at the civil affairs bureau.

Sebastian got out of the car and got the door open for her.

She blinked as she stared at him.

The man was full of surprises.She never expected him to be this gentle.

He held her hand again and they headed inside the building.Andrea was really confused at his behavior.

He was acting as if they had known each other for a long time,whereas they had just met.

Bruno who was walking from behind them was still in awe.

What had happened to his boss?

It was hard to believe that this was the same boss he had been working for.

Soon,a marriage certificate was placed in front of them.

Andrea stared at the document and her trepidation increased.

So this was really happening.

She stared at Sebastian and was shocked to see that he had already signed his copy.

She rubbed her temple.

There was no turning back now.She tried to look at the bright side.

Even if she didn’t plan on getting married so suddenly,maybe it was meant to happen like this.

This man was rich and handsome.

Maybe he was her Mr Right.

Maybe he would treat her well and she would have a good life with him.

She took a deep breath and then sighed her copy.

Sebastian took the marriage certificate in her hand and put it together with his own copy.

“From now on, you’re Mrs Munoz.”He announced.

Andrea swallowed.”Why are you taking my copy?”

“I think it’ll be better I keep both copies in the same place so they’ll be together forever like you and I.”

Andrea’s lips parted.

Was he perhaps a hopeless romantic.

She never thought he could be one.

She never thought he would even agree to any of this in the first place.

Bruno watched the two of them walk out,he quickly walk up to them.

“Congratulations,Mr and Mrs Munoz.I hope you have a happy married life with as many children as you both want.”

Sebastian smiled at that.”Your salary will be doubled.”

Today was indeed a happy day.

After he finished speaking, he turned to face Andrea.

“Mrs Munoz, where do you live?Should I take you home and you’ll like to start living with me?”

Andrea’s cheeks grew hot.

This man was getting more and more hard to handle.

“I’m from the countryside.I staying at an apartment complex for now.”

Two years ago,her friend,Ortiz had helped her purchased an apartment which she stayed in whenever she came to Buenos Aires.

Sebastian stared at her intently for a moment before asking.

“Your cell phone?”

Andrea reached out and pulled out her cell phone from her beg,looking at him with some suspicion.

Sebastian took the cellphone in her hand and typed in his number before getting her own.

“Since this has all happened so fast,I’ll send you back to your apartment first but I’ll be picking you up soon to come home with me.”


That word suddenly warmed Andrea’s heart.

Even if she had been hesitating and nervous about this union,it was time to accept that they were married now and so it was only natural they live together.


The apartment complex was easy to locate.

Bruno soon pulled up in front of it.

Andrea held her bag and said to Sebastian.

“Bye for now,Mr Munoz.”

He nodded, curtly at her.

Andrea glanced at him,didn’t say anything then left.


By evening,Sebastian back came to Andrea’s apartment.She led him in while he looked around.

The place looked cozy and comfortable.It was neat and very clean as if no one usually lived here.

“When did you get this apartment?”

Andrea brought him a bottle of water since she didn’t have much in the house.

“Two years ago.I don’t live in it much.”

Sebastian grimaced.

Two years ago.

So she had frequently been to this town before when he had been ransacking everywhere for her.

He looked at the woman in front of him and smiled.

He felt so happy that he finally had her in his reach.

And the best part now was that she was his wife.

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