
"Get Out Of Here This Minute!!"

Get Out Of Here This Minute!!

Karissa's POV.

*****The next morning in the UK; at my father's house…..

"I can't believe I'm standing right before this gate again.." I said in a hushed tone filled with anxiety as I looked around.

Taking in a deep breath as I stood erect, before my father's mansion with my black and white striped bag in my right hand, I pondered on my next move as a disowned daughter of Mr. Leo.

"This shouldn't be difficult!" I muttered to myself as self assurance to convince myself that my meeting with my father would sure be a nice one and not as threatening as always.

I wondered for a second how I was going to be welcomed into the house though, after getting married to my sister's husband, Marcello and also being tagged as the twin who made her sister crippled.

Not that it was really my fault but I guess Maybe I was just destined to be this way. I was sure that if Kristina was the one who had gotten married to Marcello, she would have filed for a divorce.

I felt my he
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