
Sarah Caught Me This Time...

Sarah Caught Me This Time….

Karissa's POV.

It was a new dawn in Italy as always and trust me, I wished to have sex with Marcello all over again. I wished to be fucked by Marcello's dick…(Giggles).

But, he was already gone.. he was at work and I just couldn't go there without a reason. How was I going to tell him I came to see him just for sex, that would be so foolish.

I was still horny, I was still feeling the urge to have him and needed my husband or supposed to- be husband by my side.

"Good morning ma'am!" I suddenly heard Sarah greet the second she opened the door to my room.

She looked all calm and sweet as always. 'She must have missed me so much' I smiled as I said Inwardly.

"Sarah… how are you doing?" I asked, seeing that she was already inside my room with her head inclined to the ground.

She had pulled me out of my imaginations about Marcello and I didn't like it but it just wasn't in my place to shout at her for any reason.

"I'm fine ma and …." She was going to utter but I
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