
"Don't forget your position "

Alex ran into the dining room and without greeting anyone, sat over Aaron's lap, " Save me please..."

Aaron wrapped his arm around Alex's waist and put his juice glass over the table.

"What happened to you young man,

(She paused took a sip of her coffee then put her mug over the table) Today no greetings ..." Rose asked,

But before Alex says anything, a loud sound interrupted them.

"Alex... "


They all heard the loud yelling sound of Naina and started looking at Alex with raised brows

Aaron frowned and looked at his worried-looking brother,

"Why she is yelling at you...?" Aaron asked,

Alex hugged Aaron tightly, " She got my Bio TP..."

"So...?" Aaron asked his brother, caressing his brother's face with so much love.

"What do you mean by so?

Mom will kill me, bro,

You know how she gets angry at me over my result issues...!" Alex said, and once again hid his face in Aaron's neck as he witnessed Naina stepping into the Dinning area.

Seeing Naina's attire almost every
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