

Good evening mum, we would have preferred you did not find us in such circumstances, but regardless mum, you should be asleep and for crying out loud Gina, I do not pay you so much for you to slack around. 

Shut up, my mum said, redirecting my attention to her, stop trying to change the topic, we are still talking about the sex, she said.  

Mum, please, stop it, I am not discussing my sex life with you. 

Moreover, we should be talking about how you saw my cock and my date naked. 

In that case, she interrupted again. 

I believe a wedding should be around the corner, you are no longer a child, she got to you already, take her in as your wife.

I promised she was going to be amazing and by the look of things she did not disappoint, I would be waiting for my grand kids. She simply says as she finds her way to the elevator. 

Hmm, I sigh for relief. 

My mum always had her way with things. 

She is gone, I calling out to Monica. 

She quickly walked to the living room, wearing nothing, my cock got hard at the sight and she found herself wrapped around my arms once again. 

Banging her for the second of ten other times of just seemed right. 


F*ck me Williams, f*ck.... 

Mr Williams, Mr Williams?  

Oh, I am sorry, you lost me there for a second, what are we talking about now. 

Well, sir, it seems your mind is somewhere else at the moment, we probably have to reschedule and do this some other time, my factory manager said, respectfully. 

It is the peak of the afternoon's sun and it is hot. 

I have a crazy erection that makes me stay in my seat all day. I wanted to have sex with her again and I just could not get her off my mind. 

Sir, sir; you really need to see this, Stella rushes to my office in a full blown panic mood. 

What could be the problem that got Stella into a pretty crazy mood. 

On getting to the conference room I got the biggest shock of my life.

The lines on the floor were buzzing, every employee trying to get to work, there it was, my face making headlines, not all publicity is good publicity, my entire company is threatened by this. 

The breaking new, Mr Williams George found having sex with the famous filmmaker Jason. 

This cannot be happening, how on earth do these people get to this, find out where this stupid story started from and get back to me as soon as possible. 

I quickly went back to my office, trying to wrap my head around the fact that my career was about to come to an end. 

We are werewolves, Jason and I had a mutual sex partner once and I believe she is the one trying to get to me. 

There, my phone is ringing. 

Hello, yes Jason, I have seen the headlines and I feel we are both being played, we need to talk and get to the bottom of this nonsense. 

I know Jason, but you need to calm down, I know you are a big time filmmaker and do not think for a second that this would not affect me too, think, we are werew…. 

I mmediately realize I am still in the office, calming down;think about the problem this would cause with the council. 

We are both respected men in the underground and I am not planning on losing that respect for a one night stand. 

Call me if you find anything, I ended the call, trying to think of what to do. 

Oh, no, no, no, no. Monica.....

We just had sex few nights ago or maybe every night before but I just feel something for her she is different from any other wolf I had been with. 

Reaching for my phone only to realize that my mum has also been trying to get a hold of me. 

Stella, please get to my office immediately. 

Sir, you called. 

Yeah, cancel every meeting I have and get my driver to prepare the car, I need to get back home. 

Okay sir, she replied. I am really sorry about what is going on and I believe it will blow off soon.

 Thank you Stella, I said with a smirk. 


Mr Williams, Mr Williams, Mr Williams, we just need you to comment on the allegations, are the rumors true, are you in a sexual relationship with Mr Jason. 

Right now, I just want to get home, but all the effort to get pass press seems pretty impossible. 

To answer your question, like you said, rumors, that simply answers it, rumors, the stories making the headlines are practically false, myself and Mr Jason are just close friends, emphasis on "FRIENDS"

A reporter from the back of the crowd caught me by storm. 

So, you are denying the fact that there are inappropriate pictures of you with the famous filmmaker in bed? 


What pictures, I thought....

 Well, my company is one of prestige and I can assure you that myself and Mr Jason have no carnal knowledge of each other, we are both grown men and are attracted to the opposite gender, we would get to the bottom of this and the rumor mongers better be ready for what's coming for them. 

That would be all for now. I swiftly ran my way through the crowd, my head started spinning on getting to the car, feeling so nauseous and sick, get me home please, and I need to talk to Monica, she is at the pent house right? No sir, she left the penthouse to go be with your mother when the news hit the internet. 

Good get me home, killing two birds with one stone anyway, I am trying to get a hold of myself to find the lines, trying to choose my words carefully. Before I forget, get Stella on the line please;yes sir. 

Hello, Stella, the lady at the office today, I need every bit of information you can find on her. She might be the only lead we have to find the person doing this to me. Get that to me before the end of today, this must blow off before Wednesday, I have a meeting with the investors (the council)  that day. 


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