
Episode 32-Complicated

“Um…okay…so…which one of you wanna tell me what the fuck is going on here?” Daisy who was seated opposite Oliver and Andrea at the dining table demanded that they both joined her there upon walking in on them sleeping together.

“Well…the things is…Oliver and I are seeing each other-

“We are!?” Oliver’s jaw dropped in shock while Daisy narrowed her eyes at them. “I mean…we are” Oliver quickly corrected his tone after looking back at Daisy whose suspicion was now evident.

“Are you really seeing another…I mean the Andrea I know wouldn’t sleep with anyone except she’s going out with them so, are you really seeing each other?” Daisy demanded while Oliver looked pressured.

“Are we not?” Andrea turned to Oliver who looked utterly confused, but he was sure Andrea was playing at something so he decided to go along with it.

“Yes we are…it’s just a little bit complicated since we’re engaged” Oliver was at a loss for words, wondering why he needed to keep up the act with Andrea’s friends that als
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