
It’s him!

Maria opened her bag and took out the red envelopes excitedly, "I've never received so many red envelopes all at once in my life. It's amazing."

Seeing her bright smile, Charles was also pleased.

Maria picked up the first red envelope and opened it, saying, "This one is from..."

Before she could finish, something slippery slid out of the red envelope. It was clearly not money, so Maria curiously picked it up and looked at it closely. She exclaimed, "Oh my, a bank card?"

Indeed, it was a bank card.

There was a sticky note attached to the card with a password written on it.

Curiously blinking her eyes at the password, Maria said, "This is Mia’s..."

She suddenly realized something and quickly corrected herself, "My birthday."

Charles raised an eyebrow and nodded, "One red envelope can't contain so much money, so they gave you a card. Let's see the others."

One by one, Maria opened the envelopes and indeed, they were all bank cards.

Perhaps those women had planned it in advance as all th
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