
Shady shit

Backstage, Mia could hear the intense applause that far exceeded the faint applause she received after her performance.

Watching Maria and Rivas talking and laughing on stage, Mia was furious!


Rivas promised her that she would be the only special guest, but he also invited Maria. Was he helping her or humiliating her?

Andrew even pleaded with him back then!

Mia stared at Maria fiercely.

Maria didn't leave the stage. Instead, she walked towards the backstage.

Mia clenched her fists at once, and when Maria approached, she unleashed a torrent of curses.

"Maria, you're really something! Did you sleep with Rivas or did you ask Charles to buy him off? How could he invite you to be his special guest?"

The smile on Maria’s face immediately vanished. She looked at Mia’s resentful eyes and frowned coldly.

"Mia, Rivas helped you. Is this how you repay him? How can you assume the worst of him?"

Mia couldn't stand it anymore. Maria’s background was inferior to hers but still had the audacity
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