
Chapter 13

As I slowly stirred awake, I realized that I was alone in my room. The sense of loneliness and emptiness that had plagued me since Shraf's arrival settled in once again. I tried to shake it off and get ready for the day, hoping that a change of scenery would lift my spirits.

With a heavy heart, I made my way to the beach, hoping to find solace in the gentle sound of the waves and the warmth of the sun. As I strolled along the sandy shore, my thoughts drifted to the events of the previous night. I couldn't deny the powerful pull that Shraf had on me, but I was equally determined to resist him.

Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't notice the hours slipping away. I swam in the ocean, lounged on the beach, and read a book. As the sun began to set, I realized that Shraf had been absent the entire day.

A sense of disappointment washed over me. I couldn't help but wonder where he was and what he was doing. But at the same time, a small part of me was relieved that I didn't have to face him again just yet. I decided to spend the rest of the evening alone, enjoying the tranquility of the beach and the beauty of the sunset.

I watched as a group of kids ran and laughed on the beach, their shrieks of joy filling the air. My heart ached with a longing I couldn't explain. I had never had a childhood like this, never experienced the simple joys of running and playing carefree on a beach. My father had always groomed me to be perfect, to excel in everything I did and to never waste time on frivolous pursuits.

But as I watched the kids, I realized that maybe there was more to life than just perfection and success. Maybe there was something to be said for enjoying the simple things in life, for embracing the childlike wonder that was so often lost in adulthood.

I smiled as one of the kids, a little boy with sandy blonde hair, stumbled and fell in the sand. His friends rushed to help him up, their giggles and grins infectious. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy mixed with nostalgia. I wished I could have had a childhood like this, where the only worries were scraped knees and who got to be "it" in tag.

But I couldn't dwell on what I missed out on. I had to focus on the present and what I could do with the time I had now. Maybe it was time to let go of the pressure to be perfect and allow myself to enjoy life, even if it meant getting a little sandy and silly in the process.

I stood up and brushed the sand off my legs, determined to make the most of the day ahead. I walked along the beach, feeling the warm sun on my skin and the gentle breeze in my hair. Soon, it was time for the sunset.

I sat on the beach, mesmerized by the breathtaking beauty of the sunset. The sky was painted with hues of orange, pink, and purple, creating a masterpiece that even the greatest artists would envy. As I watched the sun slowly dip below the horizon, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over me.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I could breathe, like I could let go of all the weight I had been carrying on my shoulders for so long. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the cool breeze caressing my skin, and the warmth of the sun on my face - everything felt perfect in that moment.

As the last rays of the sun disappeared behind the horizon, I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh. I thought about all the things that had brought me to this point, all the struggles and hardships I had endured, and all the sacrifices I had made.

But for the first time, I realized that it was all worth it. I was alive, and I was free, and that was all that mattered. I smiled to myself, feeling grateful for the beauty that surrounded me and the peace that filled my heart.

And as the stars began to twinkle in the sky, I whispered to myself, "Maybe, just maybe, life meant more than I thought it to be."


I enter the villa, hoping to have a peaceful night after enjoying at the beach the entire evening but

I could feel the atmosphere in the living room shift as soon as I walked in. Shraf was sitting on the sofa, his eyes fixed on me. I tried to ignore him and head to my room, but he blocked my way, his brooding presence looming over me.

"Where were you?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.

"It's none of your business," I retorted, trying to push past him. But he moved closer, his nose nearly touching mine.

"That's every bit of my business," he growled, his breath hot on my skin. I could smell the faint hint of alcohol on his breath, and it made me uneasy.

I tried to step back, but he grabbed my wrist tightly, his grip almost painful. "Did you go on a little date with your new boyfriend?" he asked, a hint of disgust in his tone.

I pulled my hand away, feeling a wave of anger and fear wash over me. "You have no right to ask me that," I said, my voice trembling.

But he wasn't done yet. He grabbed me by the waist, pulling me close to him. "I have every right," he whispered in my ear, his shirt's top buttons undone, revealing a glimpse of his wide chest.

I pushed him away, my heart racing with fear. This wasn't the Shraf I knew. He seemed dangerously possessive, like a predator stalking his prey.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

He just stared at me for a long moment, his eyes dark and intense. "Because I can." he said finally, his voice like a low growl.

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