
Collective Gasp

Alexander heaved a sigh, frustration evident in his voice. " Mr. Hamilton, the situation is a mess," he said. "We've been receiving non-stop calls from customers and investors, and I don't know how we're going to fix this."

"I understand," George said sympathetically. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

Alexander paused for a moment before responding. "Honestly speaking, Mr Hamilton, I think we just need to let the situation die down a bit before we can even think about making amends," he said. "Right now, everyone is too emotional, and any attempts to fix things could just make them worse."

George nodded, even though Alexander couldn't see him. "I agree," he said. "Let's give it some time and then reconvene to discuss a plan of action."

"Sounds good," Alexander said, relief evident in his voice. "Thanks, Mr Hamilton. I appreciate your willingness to help."

"Of course," George replied. "We'll get through this together."

George felt a sense of relief wash over him as Alexander's cal
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