
Chapter 106

Once she was dressed again, she checked over the room making sure it was clear of all her personal items. And her prints or scent, masked by cleaning solutions. True, the Pack knew where she lived, but they also knew better than to trespass on a Witch's property. And Pack lore held them from entering the domain of another shifter unless invited. A few might try anyway, but Allie knew how to handle herself and what she claimed as her own.

Sudden knocking on her door caused her to swing her head around. No one but no one should have known where she was. A peek through the peephole, safer than giving away her presence by asking her caller to identify them self, put her looking into another eye, distorted by demagnification. A very familiar green eye.

"What do you want, Grey?" If he expected her to open he door, then too bad for him.

"A quick explanation of that very tense and heated scene I was just treated to. And to apologize if what I said upset you and made you

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