
67: Yvette

His mother has been introducing me to all of her friends that pass by us. My cheeks seriously hurt from the continuous smile I flashed to those people I swear I am this close to investing myself with botox, at least it will make my face permanently smiling eventhough it looks fake.

And Augustine, oh God. Enough with the staring already! He doesn't do much, just providing his arm for me to attach myself to him. Though whenever I talk to his Mom's friends, he'd stare at me again making me uncomfortable.

"Do I have something on my face? Is it my make up?" I finally ask him when we are alone. His mom is off to the back stage to prepare for the next agenda.

"You've been staring." I say it out loud when he makes an expressionless face that I feel the need to explain.

"Is it my hair?" I ask as I touch my half updo, "Or my lipstick? Is it my lipstick? My make up?"


"Really? Shit." I freak out then look around for a restroom sign. I knew it, it must be something on my face. If not
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