
Hate and lose


I was feeling off, Deep down in me i was feeling like a hypocrite, I swore that i would not let myself fall for it again and i did...

I knew the mating bond was still in place as we did not reject eachother the way it should, maybe he was afraid of being rejected but that night's pain was too much for me, was it fair that only I had to feel it.

I kept on thinking of what happend and why it happend, walking in circles in the garden, i was so lost in my thought of regretting i did not notice my brother coming my direction, his face unreadable.

my heart started hammering in my chest, something was off, i could feel it...

"dad has something he wants to discuss, concerning last night's attack" he said, so ever calm, yet his tone was so rough.

Hunter, my twin was never someone easy to understand, rough and keeping everything to himself, and when something was up, his serious face was on twenty four seven.

But that is what i loved about him, we were a duo to not be played or messed with.

"you seem tense, what's wrong?" i ask, assessing his reaction to my simple question.

"There is some reports saying the attack last night was organized" he replied now looking me in my eyes.

" Well it was a perfect chance, powerful alphas around, not much security, makes sense" I added but my answer did not please him. he only agrees with a nod and a small hmm from his chest.

"okay, spit it, what is it,?" i ask angrily, i do not like being ignored and tested.

"An attack that big was organized and you were the first in the front line, you could have been killed" he said, again with his calm tone that provoke every inch in my body.

"Lulu, we could have lost you, it was dangerous you going out like this" his palms grabbing my face, we might be a twin, but he is nothing like me, as I am shorter and chubbier, he is my leaner and bigger and taller version, a six foot three man, all my family’s members are tall, i get the short gene from my mother.

"I know it was bad, but i am fine, and last night attack was a sign, something is happening and we need to know" I placed a hand on his, and i could sense his sadness and anger, he was upset, what is all those feelings.

As if he could sense me, he quickly retreated his hands, giving me a small assuring smile and opening his hands for a hug, "I have not seen you in three months, give your favourite brother a big hug."

Without thinking, i did just that, he smelled of home, safety and warmth, he was hurt, i am sure of that, we will see what is this.

Breaking the hug, i start at him and wonder something "Why did not Olivia come? she loves festivities" i asked jokingly, only for his face to turn anger again.

"We will talk about this later" not wanting to test his limits i pushed the thought away, everything in the right time. "with a glass of Bourbon? " i ask joyfully to ease the tension. " make it a bottle. let's go" he giggles and hugs my side as we walk to the villa.

tonight will be interesting.


The evevning was tensful, for one grandpa joining us for dinner was something we did not see coming, with all the tension between the alphas it was just too much one can handle, After a while we got all into the common area. If only silence can speak.

"dad stand in the middle of the room, lookig to each and everyone of his children,

"Yuou know that I love you guys more than life itself?" he said his tone a bit sad and upset, coming to stand next to him was mom, his Luna and wife.

"The things we are about to tell you guys is something we kept a secret from you for a very long time and we could never find the courage to address this."

"When you father and I met, we were not only young but we were also very powerful individuals many were not very welcoming of the idea of a Werewolf of pure blood and a witch of my status to be partners let alone have offsprings that might inherite our abilities, and people hated us and fought us, but we made it through, we were mates, and it was Selene and Hecate choice, but people thought they could break the bond and they try"

Suddenly my mother grive and pain showed up, something i do not believe I ever senced in her, what was that?

"When we first got together we were no where safe, hunters witches and werewolf were hunting us down, your grandfather did not accept me and you father was faced with making a choice of leaving me for the safety of the pack, at that time we were living in another place, and at that time, I was pregnant" she stays silent, her eyes turning blood black, trying to tame her grive.

"I had another baby, before Pietro was born" she declared and to tell you it was a shock, it will be an understatement.

"we had a baby, a bbay girl; and she was killed by the same people that attacked us yesterday, well not the same people, but the same organisation that attacked us"

DAD came from behind her and hugged her trying to calm his hurted mate down,

"The reason why I am the one telling you not your dad it is because I was the one who instited on not telling you guys, believing it was for the good and we ended the reign of those monsters that could not even spear the life of an innocent baby"

We could not say anything, it was just to much to take in, the amount of grief my mother ios having is huge, being a sensory witch, my tears fled without me noticing and anger came in, an anger so brutal, i was to afraid to acknowledge as a part of my mother, but that what it does to you, that what hate and lose do to one, they make everything bad about them come to surface.

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