
Christmas Special

    (Authors Note: Hello, everyone! I hope you are all doing well. First of all, if you made it this far, thank you so much. Your support means a lot to me. And for those who unlocked any chapters of this book, God Bless you and an everlasting thank you to you. I hope that you'll find enjoyment and satisfaction when reading this. Let us hold on together in this book. There is much for you to wait for. It may not be the best book but as long as you're reading this surely, I'll do my best. For now, let's have a trip to Keaton's memory lane,)






    "Mommy, Elise? Where are we going? Why am I dressed like this? Why do we have a gift? Do we have money to buy it? Are we rich now?" The typical child where they have tons of questions. Sometimes it could make parents irate bit most of the time they find it as an achievement for their child's brain is working. The luxurious car was driving the Morgan family to the Karsyn's family. "Keatton, darling. It is Christmas. We will give this gift to your playmate later," said Elise. Keatton's Mom. The boy squealed in joy that caused his Daddy, William, to cover his ears. 

    "Keatton. Tone down your voice. The driver might drop the car to the bridge and the shark will eat us there alive!" Making his own son scared as he was irritated by how his son squeaked. Elise rolled his eyes at William and looked back to her son. "You want to sleep? Come on, sleep on Mommy's lap," the poor boy doesn't have much of a choice so he let her Mom carried him going to his lap as the boy laid his head to his Mom's lap. Keatton was looking outside the car. It was dim. Only the stars in the sky and the big full moon is what he can see apart from the snowflakes falling from up above. The radio turns on playing Christmas melodies. 




    "We are here, Mr. And Mrs. Morgan. And Sir Keatton," said the driver as the car stopped directly at the front door of the house but more like a palace owned by the powerful, magnate, kind cold-hearted, the Lucifer in the making, the zillionaire. The one and only, Blake Karsyn. The Morgan family was astonished by the exterior of the house. It was indeed similar to a palace. Guards are dressed like they are from the highest family with a full-on armory. The house was ornamented well in the yuletide season. Christmas wreaths, colorful lights, and miniatures of the Elves. The kid jolted in shock as one of the guards shouted. "Morgan Family is here! Hu!" The guard stomped and saluted as the door opens. Both Mr. And Mrs. Morgan looked at each other with confusion. And so their son, Keatton. Elise grabbed the hand of his son as they all went heading to the door.

    "Wow!" Keatton did not contain himself from yelling in happiness as he saw a mini-village inside the house. It was like a Christmas village on the inside of Blake's house. "Shhh. Shhh. Quiet, darling," his Mom said. Being the obedient son he is, Keatton nodded and looked to his Mom with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry, Mommy Elise," his Mom patted his head and smiled. William was nervous and agitated. As this decision will change their life forever. Even if his wife insisted not to but due to poverty with no connections at all and having zero to help them, he takes the risk. Suddenly, they hear a trumpet playing from nowhere, and there he saw a man with big muscles wearing a cape made of pure gold. His head was held high and his face was cold and placid. It was like a King came down from nowhere. He faked a shock as he soon the poor Morgan Family wearing their cheap and rugged clothes, well, except for their child. They dressed him very well. "Oh! The Morgan Family! Glad to see you this evening," as the man in front of them smiled, it reveals his teeth coated with gold and had small diamonds on them. Never been in his life that William felt so low and hopeless. "G-Good evening your Majesty," and Keaton's parents kneel down. The boy looked at his parents so he is left with no choice but to imitate what his parents did. "Good evening your Majesty," and he kneeled down. 

    It made the heart of the zillionaire man moved. "Come here, young man," snapping a finger in the air. The child was clueless and innocent. But he heard his father whispering. "Go now, Keatton," his eyebrows furrowed. "Where am I going, Daddy?" Asked Keatton. Blake chuckled then turned into laughter. "Come here my future son-in-law or daughter-in-law or whatever," he said referring to Keatton. "Go now, darling. Be nice with his Majesty," her Mom said. And so, Keatton walked going to the man with the golden cape. Keatton's eyes were looking up and down and at every ornament hanged and placed on the wall and ceiling. Blake chuckled. "Is it your first time to see something like that, Keatton?" Blake asked. "Yes, his Majesty," fascination is audible in the kid's voice as he was looking at it with wide eyes glistened with amusement. "Daddy Blake. Call me, Daddy Blake," Keatton looked at the man and nods. "Okay, Daddy Blake,"

    The man stretched his arms full of tattoos and jewelry around every finger of his hands. "Come here," he carried, Keatton like his own blood. The kid's parents were still kneeling but Blake let them free and commanded them to go to the dining table where a feast is being held. Hundreds of food were plastered on the long oblong table. "You eat now, Keatton. I'll just call your partner," said Blake. He rushed going upstairs. The kid was confused why his parents were not eating while he on the other hand eats fast as the food in front of him was unusual for them to eat on a daily basis nor even once in a blue moon. His parents can't afford even a single food on the table. He chewed fast. "Mommy Elise. Daddy William. Why aren't you eating?" Little did the kid know that his parents were about to burst into tears. William felt so low and his ego and pride were crushed into tiny bits of ashes. He can't even afford to buy his only son a decent clothes. The clothes that his son wears came from Blake. While their clothes were peaking with circles and torn but sew. His Mom, Elise, sniffed and simply wiped the corners of her eyes. "You eat well, darling. Your Dad and I are full. Go on. Eat. Just... don't mind us, okay? Enjoy eating," as the child nods and continued eating fast. Elise burst into tears. She saw how hard her child was starving. 

    "William," she whispered to her partner, and there, William hugged Elise. "Shhh. Everything will be okay, I promised," he kissed her forehead. "But... we are exchanging our own children for money, William. I think we should go now," her voice quivered as she continued to cry. "We aren't. We are doing this for his future that we, parents can't give him. Can't you see, Elise? We are both poor and we haven't finished schooling. Tell me, how can we survive paying his tuition? The food? The rent of our house? Our daily needs? How? How?" William shed tears. 

    "It's hard for me to say this but I'll swallow my ego and pride as the padre de familia of this family. I need to do this," he said. Desperation got the best of William and triggered him to make that decision. Little did they know that William was on the verge of killing himself and his family because of the poverty they faced. He believes that when they are all dead. They will worry no more.

    "Oh, Keatton?" Blake called the child whose mouth is covered with chocolates, sauce, and syrup as the kid eats fast. The kid carried by Blake raised his eyebrow at Keatton's parents and acted like he was cutting something in the neck as he looks sharp to the poor boy's parents. Both Elise and William looked downwards as they were afraid of the boy. Without him, their life would be stagnant. 

    "Who is he, Daddy Blake?" Asked Keatton as the kid was busy munching the chocolate cake. But the boy whom Blake carried didn't like it. "What the hell? Dad, what's the meaning of this?" The kid was mad at what Keatton called his father. "Listen, Keatton. I am your Daddy! Not William nor Blake. Only me. I am your Daddy!" The kid's yelling voice echoed the room. Keatton was shocked about the kid's attitude. 

    "Oh. Okay. But if you are my Dad then why are we on the same age?" His response made the boy fume in anger. Blake on the other hand can't contest his son as he loved him that much to the point that he will spoil it. "You dumb piece of shit!" And that's when Elise stood up and responded. "Enough! I'm taking my son back with me!" But a hand grabbed her palms and apologetically smiled. 

    "I'm sorry, His Majesty. My wife was just... overwhelmed and shocked," he said. "Calm down, Elise," he whispered to his wife. The girl left with zero choices but to sit her ass down and calmed herself. "Mom. Why are you yelling? I told you to stop it. It would cause a negative impact on your health," the worried voice of the kid made the hearts of the old persons melt but most especially for Him. "T-Thank you, darling. I'm sorry if Mom yelled," 

    And they all started to eat in silence. Only the sound of utensils and plate bumping at each other is audible and well, except for Keatton's humming in satisfaction. "Can't you just eat in silence?" The tone of his voice is visible that the kid on the other side of the table was irate. Keatton looked at him with wide apologetic eyes.

     "Oh. I'm sorry. It is my first time to eat this kind of food. I don't know the name of it but it tastes good. My Mom said we can't afford foods like these because--" but the kid on the other side of the table cut him off. "Because you are poor. Your parents are poor. I bet the rat's life is way better than yours," the kid chuckled. Keatton's parents want to slap the kid in the face but they can't. Blake, on the contrary, remained listening and not meddling between the kids. 

    But the people were shocked at what Keatton's response is. "Yes. Yes, we are poor. I am poor. My parents are poor. We are not rich like you, kid. But thy taught me proper manners. The thing that you don't have," the kid on the other side of the table felt roasted and embarrassed. It triggered him more to be angry. "You can suck it up with your kindness and manners and shit. Get a map and find my care twat!" Keatton finished eating and smiled at Blake as he was staring at it. Something that captivates Blake from within.

     "Where's Mommy, Dad?" Asked the kid. "In my room," Blake timidly responded. "Did you beat him again?" It made Keatton's parents to stop from eating and looked at Blake. "Your Mom deserves it. He is being a goddamn bitch again," Keatton covered his ears to prevent him from hearing those words. He wasn't brought up to that kind of upbringing. "Robert will die in no time if you would continue hurting him," said the kid. 

    "Excuse me, Daddy Blake," Keatton called the attention of the man as he still covered his ears. "What is it, darling?" He said. "Don't you think it is inappropriate to use foul words in front of the kids and in front of the food?" Blake chuckled and played Keatton's hair. He slowly removed his hands from covering his ears. "I'm sorry. I forgot that we have a kid here. What about you go upstairs and play? There are tons of toys he can share with you--" he was cut off by his son. "Let's go, Keatton," the kid pulled the pulse of Keatton. "Where are we going?" The kid squinted his eyes at Keatton. "Shut the damn up, Keatton, or I'm kissing you right now," the kid looked at his Dad with a sharp glare. "And Dad. Don't ever call Keatton, darling. I'm beating your ass up," threatening his own Dad but he just laughed at it. "Come on," 





    "Wow!" The poor Keatton was mesmerized by the ornaments and toys inside the kid's room. Keatton immediately rushed running to the bed and he jumped on it like a kangaroo. "Your bed is so soft! I love it," said Keatton. "But I love you more," the boy whispered in the air and Keatton didn't have the chance to hear it as he was squeaking as he jumped on the bed. "Don't tell ms it is your first time to hop on a bed?" He nods. "Sure. My parents and I used to sleep on the cold floor with cartoons acting as our bed. It was cold and uncomfortable but I was okay with it," Keatton smiled. The kid shooked his head and clicked his tongue. "I'll send you one tomorrow. I don't want someone like you sleeping on the floor," Keatton screamed in such happiness and hugged the kid. 

    "Gee! Thank you so much! Thank you!" Keatton kissed the cheek of the kid causing the kid to be hard as stone and not moving. He was shocked and didn't expect it. "Damn," he cursed. "Stop cursing it is bad for kids to utter words like that," said Keatton. The kid rolls his eyes in the air. "Whatever. You can grab any toys you want here and bring home," Keatton clapped his hands in the air in such happiness. "But you need to pay them," his shoulders suddenly dropped. "But I don't have money," said Keatton. "Someday. You will pay for them someday. For now, grab everything you want," for the first time, the kid learned how to smile and to be kind for once in his life. It took Keatton half an hour bringing nothing but...

     "Put that down. It's ugly," the kid said. Keatton shooked his head and smiled. "It is not. In fact, you are cute here," with smiles he said. Keatton was bringing the kid's picture frame. "Argh! Grab toys and not my personal belongings!" He yelled at Keatton. He was too shy to tell Keatton to pick him over the picture frame. Puppy love it is. But it is more than that. He knows to himself that even if he is young, he is persistent about claiming Keatton to be his own. "You can pick me," he mentally said. But Keatton's shoulders started to quiver. The poor boy cried. He doesn't like to be yelled at. He was fragile and weak. He wanted things to be calm and peaceful. An innocent child he is. "Y-You don't have t-to scold me l-like that," he cried. "I'm a nice person. I'm trying to be f-friends with you. That's not how you should treat someone," the crying boy have kneeled to the floor crying and wiping the heavy tears falling from his eyes. The kid rolled his eye at Keatton. 

    "Such a cry baby!" He yelled once more causing Keatton to sob hard. "Damn. I don't want a wife who cries a lot. Shut up now!" But little did he know that the more he yelled, the more Keatton will cry. And so, as the tough kid, he is. He let the poor Keatton cry on the ground. It took them half an hour for the room to be fulfilled with deafening silence. 

    "Now, are you okay?" The kid's voice came calm and concern. With teary eyes and a runny nose, Keatton looked at him and slowly nods. "Come here," he said. He stood up and sat beside the grumpy kid. "Listen, Keatton. Stop crying now. I'm gonna punch your face and leave bruises all over your body just like how Dad does to Mom," he said. 

    "Wait... your Dad is beating your Mom? That's abuse and inhumane," he chuckled. "My Mom is like you. A gay--" Keatton inserted. "But I'm not gay," he said. "I'm pretty sure you are. Anyway, My Mom is like you. A gay. He is very hesitant about Dad's love and overreacts all the time. And he easily cries a lot," 

    "But... that's not how love works. If you are opposing or forcing someone to fall in love with you then it's not loving, manipulation it is," the kid chuckled. 

    "Then how would you love me?" He asked Keatton. "I love you as a friend. Because your Dad is so kind to me and seems like my parents are friends with your Dad," 

    "But I want you to be more than friends. You will be my wife," the persistence of his voice made Keatton laugh. "You don't understand it. I'm not a girl, okay? I may look like but I'm not one. I am a boy--"

    "No. You are the one who doesn't understand. I'll be your husband and you'll be my wife. End of discussion," Keatton as the merry boy, he laughed how the kid became grumpy just by explaining things. "Okay. If you say so," shrugging his shoulders and beamed a smile at the grumpy kid. "I'll show you something," said the grumpy kid. He guided Keatton going his window and opened it. "Christmas would be in a minute from now. Let's watch the skies up above and feel the Christmas spirit," he then dangled his arm to Keatton's shoulder. 

    "Look! A shooting star!" Said the grumpy kid. "Make a wish," and so, Keatton did. The grumpy kid looked at the innocent face of Keatton. Even if he's young, he valued things that mean a lot to him. And that includes Keatton. 

    Call me selfish or whatever but I will buy you, Keatton. It's better to be early than never. Fate allowed you to be mine in the first place. Destiny made ways for us to cross our path, said the grumpy kid at the back of his mind.

    "What did you wish?"

    "To know your name," said Keatton. "You're pathetic and shallow," but Keatton smiled. 

    "Damon. Damon Karsyn," 

    "Sounds so... evil and scary," the poor Keatton chuckled nervously. "But you'll be the to guide me," responded Damon. 

    "How about you? What did you wish?" 

    "Nothing," he timidly responded. 

    Nonetheless, Damon already knew what he wanted. And that is the boy next to him, Keatton Morgan. 

    "Merry Christmas, Keatton," and he kissed Keatton on the forehead.

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