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Immediately, their confidence against their enemy has been shaken. It was unforeseeable and shocking that shortly after Ali shouted, Alpha Lachlan and his troop was instantly adhered to where their feet are standing.

The plot twist is kind of a good one. One by one those they had taken down already rose from the ground; it is as if they did not drained their energy in having a battle with them. Each one of them possesses orbs as red as ruby, as fiery as hell.

Maridelle flinched and she took few steps backward until her back bumped on Alpha Lachlan’s back.

“Don’t be afraid. We got this.” Alpha Lachlan assured her. “We will finish this real quick.” He put so much confidence on his tone. Though, the gangsters had shown their real identity and quitted the pretense, they still appeared like a whole bunch of weak mosquitos that just by a slap of his hand will finish them in an instant.

“This assholes has offered us a little level up.” Sebastian put a stress on the word ‘little’ to show he
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