
5-Figuring out Kassandra

Erin’s POV

After being caught by Kass in James’s office I thought it would make things weird, but no, Kass never brought it up. So of course a few days after when she was helping me on my kicks I had to bring it up.

“Luna it’s none of my business. We could hear you and I was chosen to be the one to close the door.”

“Why you?”

“Because it’s not the first time I’ve caught Alpha.”

“Oh” my eyes must of lit up because Kass smriked. “Give me dirt.” I beg.

“I don’t gossip Luna,” Kass smiled.

“Okay tell me this, you and James ever?”

Kass busts out laughing, “no never. James wouldn’t sleep with anyone from the pack. No I’ve caught him with visiting young women. Mostly Alpha’s Daughters a couple Beta’s daughters. But me, I’m waiting for my mate.”

“I waited too, but I didn’t have to wait long,” I laugh.

Kass smiles, “yeah George has been trying to convince me to chose him. But more so he can be Gamma.”

“Would you ever take a chosen mate,” I keep kicking the bag.

“Never,” Kass smiles. “I dont care how long I have to wait, l’ll wait!”

“So how serious was the conversation about you being Luna?”

“His parents were really pushing it. Kline’s dad was a major advocate. But Alpha and I firstly don’t feel love for each other. Chosen mates should be in love above all else, and well we absolutely aren’t. When we explained it that way everyone backed off.”

“You don’t find him attractive?” I asked kicking the target hard.

“Great kick. I think we both think the other is physically attractive, but there is no spark. I mean he’s the same guy who threw mud at me as kid, and pulled my hair a lot. He is just not what I want.”

“Any she-wolf I need to be looking out for?” I ask still abusing the bag.

“Not really, Alpha has always made it clear that he wasn’t interested in any of us. He wanted his mate. He’s male he has needs, but like I said he had others for that. He wasn’t into dating either.”

“How did I get so lucky?” I smirk.

“You got a good one Luna.”

“So James was telling me you might be an Alpha blood.”

“Yeah it’s possible. We don’t know my mother’s family. She and my dad weren’t fated. They were a one night stand that turned into us. Mom left us with dad when she found her mate. Dad admitted he doesn’t even know her last name.”

“How are they sure he’s your dad?”

“DNA test. Great kicking. Both legs look great. Watch your ankles went you pivot you don’t want to fall or twist an ankle”

“Got it. Anything else?”

“Not on your kicks. Want to call it a day?”

“Yeah my brother and his Beta should be here tonight at dinner. Oh and you are coming to dinner right?”

“Alpha requested I come”

“Good James made the Gamma decision, so look nice.”

Kass raised her eyebrows, “he hasn’t told me that.”

“I asked if I could tell you, Gamma Kassandra!”

Kass’s smiled wider, “Seriously, he chose me. That had to be your influence, thank you Luna.”

“In my opinion you earned it, and that is what I told James. Believe it or not. Kline agreed.”

“Really? Kline hates me.”

“Maybe but he loves Taylor. I know he doesn’t show it to the world, but he loves Taylor a lot.”

Kass looked annoyed, “Kline is a horrible mate for my sweet tender brother.”

“I think they balance each other. Kline is dry and serious, Taylor is more loving and sweet.”

“Luna with all respect, this is not a topic I want to discuss. I don’t like Kline and he doesn’t like me. We can be professional but we can’t be friends.”

“I understand we will change the subject.”

“Thank you.”

Kass and I chat about nonsense for a while. Before I go find James. He is with Kline and Taylor in the Alpha office.

“Luna,” Taylor greets me with a smile while I go and sit on James’s lap.

“Hey baby. Sorry we have these contracts to go over. I want to get done before your brother arrives.”

“I understand can I help?”

“Yes don’t distract the Alpha,” Kline saids flatly not looking at me.

“Kline!” James snarls.

Kline didnt look up, “I wasn’t being disrespectful, I was just answering her question.”

“Can I take Taylor, I want his opinion on my hair for the ceremony?”

“If he is okay with it,” James answers with a kiss.

“Im totally down,” he looks at Kline waiting for a response.

“See you at dinner,” Kline sighs and kisses Taylor quickly.

“See you at dinner,” Taylor smirks. We walk to mine and James’s room.

“You got a kiss in front of people!” I smile at Taylor’s

“He is making an effort to be a better mate, I am supposed to be patient and understanding,” Taylor saids rolling his eyes.

“Taylor I had another reason for us to be alone,” I say sitting on a chair offering Taylor one too. “I want to know about James and Kass. Were they ever going to be mates?”

Taylor let out a heartfelt laugh. “My sister is beautiful, James is completely gorgeous, but honey they aren’t for each other. There was a time when James was dependent on her, but the reasons for that are James’s story to tell. I won’t go into it, but you can ask him all about it. They are friends now, just friends. Kass and James both believe the most sacred gift for werewolves is our fated mate. That is why Kass hates Kline so much. He tried to deny the mate bond. She is a complicated and deep person. She wants her mate, only her mate. I’m not sure she has ever kissed another wolf.”

“So you don’t think her living here will be an issue?”

“Goddess, Luna, no. Alpha is completely devoted to you and the whole pack knows it. There will be no drama at all.”

“Tell me more about your sister. How did she become such a great fighter?”

“Honestly, I think our mom is an Alpha. Explains why she had to leave us. What Alpha wants two half Warrior brats? When my dad found his mate it was really hard I mean really hard for her to accept us. Becca almost rejected dad. But Alpha Richard stepped in and helped Becca see the possibilities. They retired back to Becca’s pack about three months ago. Kass kept the house. She loves that house. Becca made a good home for us.”

“Do either of you miss your mom?”

“Cant miss what you never knew.”

“Is Kass really able to pin Alphas?”

Taylor smiled, “Hell yeah, my sister has pinned Alpha James, Alpha Christopher, Alpha Mason, Alpha Maddox, Alpha Lucas, and Alpha Jacob before he got all cocky. I still can’t believe Alpha Jacob thought he could beat Alpha James. It was barely a fight. Kass told Alpha what weak spots to hit and of course Alpha hit them all and Jacob was dead in three minutes.”

“Kass okay with the death?”

“She kinda blames herself a little. Alpha Jacob had offered to forget the challenge in exchange for Kass as his Luna. Kass of course refused. James has had to kill three Alphas this year because they wanted Kass. She blames herself.” Taylor went pale. “Please don’t tell Kass I told you. She is processing all of it and considers it private.”

“James killed to keep her in the pack?” Is she that important to him?

“No he killed to answer challenges. Those Alphas were rejected and then challenged James for his pack. James did what an Alpha is supposed to do. Protect his pack.”

“My brother defends our pack. But he is seen as evil. James is respected and loved.” I hear the sadness in my voice, it can’t sound good.

“Alpha Edward is scary. He won’t give interviews. He growls when he should ignore. He threw that reporter across the street once.”

“That reporter asked if Edward and I were sleeping together. No brother would put up with that.”

“Oh I didn’t know that. The article said the report was asking standard questions.”

“Tabloids lie.” I state flatly.

“But Edward doesn’t do anything to counter them.”

“Honestly, he enjoys the reputation a little. He gets a lot of girls.”

“Really?” Taylor wiggles his eyebrows.

“Yeah he’s actually a bit of a manwhore. He sleeps with a different girl every night. I feel a little sorry for his mate. A lot of them are pack members. One in particular is a real pain.”

“I’m so proud of James for keeping it out of the pack.”

“Yeah,” I laugh. “It’s nice for me.”

“Let’s talk hair.”

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jessica K
Well, now I feel bad for Kass... I see a lot of drama and hurt feelings in her future.
goodnovel comment avatar
I have a feeling that Kass is going to Edwards mate I guess he needed a strong mate to handle all the she wolves he slept with in his pack cus Jealousy is bound to come

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