
Chapter 38

“I am not ready for you to leave.” The look on Acelin’s face said it all. He was going to make this hard on me. I guess I hadn’t really thought about this part that much. I was so eager to get the hell out of here and see Adrian to tell him about everything that’s happened, I didn’t realize the severity of the feeling of leaving Acelin behind.

It wasn’t like I would never see him again. I actually planned to be seeing him very soon once I got things situated, but it would definitely be different. I had been living here for over a week and it was like a different life. Even though I was a prisoner and didn’t care too much for the vampires, I had been with him. His presence made everything better. Not to mention the fact pretty much anything I could ever ask for was within my grasp. But that had come at a cost, my freedom. And to me, it just wasn’t worth it.

“I’m going to miss you too, but I will see you soon. I promise,” I gave him a hopeful look. “As soon as I’m able to talk to Adri
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