
Epilogue - Hale Part 1

So much has happened in the last four months that it’s still hard for me to wrap my head around it. I’m still adjusting to having Jason back, let alone to the other changes to my daily life. The weekend with Erin, the issue of her ex aside, was a good time. We were able to get to know each other more. And no, I’m not strictly speaking sexually.

River and Sage enjoyed their visit to the pack house. They met several of the pack’s youths that are near their age and were able to participate in training sessions. They weren’t on the same level as their peers, but that was expected. Our pack starts training children as young as ten. So the others had years of training experience. But they are catching up quickly.

Returning to the office Monday morning was interesting. Erin and I are still watercooler gossip; we’ve been together for months. And I suppose I can understand why. Human mates are rare, and second chance mates are even more uncommon. But getting my wolf back after eighteen years is simply unheard of.

Of course, only those from the pack know any of that. The rest of the office is gossiping about the marketing director dating the new social media marketing admin. I suppose we are a scandal, but HR handled the situation. Erin no longer reports to me. She’s still in my department; however, all her work goes through Leslie Ponte, the department’s associate director. I have no input into Erin’s work and employment evaluations.

Now I know what everyone is asking about the mating and marking. We haven’t done that yet. We’ve had plenty of sex but haven’t mated, despite having multiple new moons since January to complete our bond. And maybe if Erin were a werewolf, we would have marked the same night we found out we were second chance mates.

But Erin isn’t a werewolf. Erin is human with no experience and actual knowledge of the supernatural world. So we’ve spent these months, much to Jason’s annoyance, getting closer. We go out on dates at least once a week, even if it’s just grabbing a quick dinner or drinks after work. I knew Jen my whole life, so there wasn’t a need for a getting to know you phase. I want a connection with Erin, which isn’t founded on the mate bond. And with Erin’s past relationships, even knowing I will never leave her as her mate, she has to feel comfortable and ready to take that big step of mating.

On weekends we’ve focused more on family bonding. Austin, Suzie, and I have been showing Erin, River, and Sage all the best spots in the area. Lots of nature trails, though winter made it a little complicated. So as long as there weren’t prying eyes around, we with wolves would shift and let the Carlisle family take in the sights from wolf back.

That Jason was okay with. He’s more than happy to give Erin a ride in all manner that word can be taken. Jax wasn’t as thrilled about one of the twins riding Suzie’s wolf Kayla, but a nip from Kayla put him in his place. I think it helped that it was decided Sage would be the one to ride Kayla. Although both kids are nonbinary, Sage is on estrogen to prevent getting too masculine, making it an easier pill to swallow.

Another thing with family bonding and Erin and I getting closer was cohabitation. After a month of dating, we decided to move in together. As I own my home and it’s closer to Mount Hood and the pack’s capital city, it made sense for Erin and her kids to move in with me. Going from a household of two to three was hard enough when Suzie moved in. Going to a family of six was overwhelming.

Before Erin and her kids could move in, I needed to relocate my home office to give the bedroom to River and Sage, who graciously agreed to share a room temporarily. I say temporarily, as the time frame is all based on how long before Austin and Suzie can afford their own house. Austin has been saving to move out, and they have talked about getting a new construction home in Kavanah Glen.

I don’t know which was more challenging about them moving in. On more than one occasion, Sage or River have walked in on my son and his mate having sex in the shared bathroom. Or I had to go through the basement to make room for them. After Jen died, I put everything of hers in boxes and exiled them because being surrounded by her belongings was slowly killing me in the first couple of years.

I managed to get through sorting the boxes with Austin and Suzie. Jason was helpful, too, in his blunt way. When I was hesitant about opening the boxes, Jason spoke up. He said, ‘I loved her too. I lived and died for her, but she wouldn’t want to be literal baggage. Let the boy keep what he wants, but we don’t need the rest. We hold her memory in us, not in possessions. It’s time to make room for Erin and her kids.’ He was right, of course. Jen’s memory isn’t in possessions but my heart. And I can’t move forward with Erin if I can’t let go of my past. So the things Austin and Suzie wanted for their future home were moved to a storage unit, and the rest was donated.

So it’s been an adjustment for us all. River and Sage are eager for Austin and Suzie to move, so they don’t have to share anymore. Especially Sage, as they have to deal with River’s daily phone calls to their they-friend back in Massachusetts. It’s been hard for River to keep being a hybrid a secret, but I stressed that unless they know that Leo is a werewolf or some other supernatural being, they cannot tell them as it could put the pack and Leo in danger. The latter shut them up.

We’re only a few days away from River and Sage turning sixteen, and the full moon will be a few days later. Beta Sarael has confirmed that both possess a wolf, and from the second she told them, they have been even more keyed up to shift and meet their wolves. But before we can get to their birthday and first shift tonight is the new moon, Erin and I have agreed it’s time.

“So, how does this work? You take mom out into the woods, bite her neck, she gets a wolf and bites back, and you fuck like rabbits?” River questioned, leaning over the arm of the sofa and watching me packing the camping gear.

Blunt as ever, that one. “That is a very blunt and crass way of talking about mating.” I sighed, shaking my head. I’ve had the mating talk with all the Carlisle family. I had been explaining things to Erin, so she knew what would happen, but the kids decided to sit in on it too so they’d be ready for mates. Though with how River talks about mating, I think they paid more attention to Austin’s version.

“But that’s the gist of it, right? Mom will have a wolf tomorrow when you come home, and you’ll be fully mated.” River rolled their eyes.

“It is not a guarantee she will have a wolf. Just because Beta Sarael received a wolf does not mean your mom will too. But wolf or not, she will temporarily have the ability to mark me and complete the bond.” I explained, zipping the bag closed before standing up.

“It’d be cool if she did. Then when Sage and I get our wolves, we can all go on a family run as wolves.” River smiled.

I know how much they are looking forward to having a wolf, and as we get closer to the full moon, the antsier they and Sage will get. I’ve explained how shifting will feel and how they may start hearing their wolves and feeling them stir after their birthday.

“River?” Erin called as she came downstairs dressed in the tear-away clothes the pack uses. I assume she decided she didn’t want to risk me ripping more of her clothes during foreplay.

“Ah, there you are. Okay, I’ve already said goodbye to Sage. So get over here and hug and kiss me.” Erin commanded, beckoning her youngest to her. River grumbled but got off the sofa and hugged their mother, enduring her kisses.

“While we are gone, Austin is in charge. So make sure you listen to him. No running off without telling anyone where you’re going and when you’ll be back. Do not make him have to hunt you down.” Erin sighed, giving River a final squeeze.

“I’ll be fine, mom.” I love my son, and he has grown leaps and bounds in maturity since the Incubi war, but he is still less mature than Suzie. “And we both know Austin isn’t in charge. Suzie is. She’s the more grown-up of them.” River scoffed. I considered arguing that point but decided not to because River is right.

“If a pack emergency occurs, follow Austin’s instructions and head to the shelter three blocks east of the house. Call the pack patrol line if there is an issue at the house and Austin and Suzie aren’t here. I left the number on the fridge, and they will respond to all emergencies.” I outlined.

“I know. I know. It’s not like anything is going to happen. Sperm donor got sent packing after Alpha Logan fucked him up hard. Dumbass will never forget pissing off the Bloodmoon Alpha. And the Steelcrest pack will think twice before ever having someone step a toe into this territory, be it to take Sage and me or just passing through on vacation.” River smirked.

I saw Dane after Alpha was done with him. I insisted on being part of the wolves that escorted him to the plane home. I needed to be sure he was gone and wouldn’t darken Erin’s door again. It was bad. I don’t know what Dane may have said while in custody, but he didn’t walk onto that plane. His injuries were so bad he was in a wheelchair. Mikali Hamilton and Colby Delaney were sent with Gamma Charles to escort Dane back to Steelcrest and deliver the message that their pack is on notice to never mess with Bloodmoon again.

While Dane was in the dungeons, River and Sage had been at the pack house. And I may disapprove, but they were allowed to witness the interrogation, thankfully from the safety of a security feed. David felt it would give them some closure to know that the man would never try to kidnap or hurt them again.

The twins returned from the packhouse with a newfound respect and awe of Alpha Logan. And David made an impression as River talked about him a lot and has kept in contact with him since. I suppose there are worse role models to have in the pack. I groaned as I picked up a familiar scent.

‘Speak of worse role models, and the worst the pack has to offer will appear.’ Jason growled as I went to open the door before my father could knock.

“What do you want?” I questioned, folding my arms and ensuring I was blocking him from coming in or seeing Erin and River. For my mother’s sake, I introduced them to my second chance mate and her children a month ago. My father made an ass of himself, as I expected. He only had cruel things to say about Erin and the twins. We left before I lost my temper, River had already lost theirs, and I had to pull them away.

“I’m trying one last time to talk sense into you, son. You have your wolf back. You could take any she-wolf as your chosen mate. Don’t waste the rest of your life with a human.” He frowned.

“She is my second chance mate. Chosen by The Goddess. Don’t you dare think you know better than The Goddess. We have nothing to discuss if you cannot see past your bigotry.” I sighed. How I wish he could see the error in his ways. I want to have a happy family. I would like the twins to have werewolf grandparents that will care for them. I want mom to be there for Erin and Suzie too. Show them all she knows about being mated to a Shelton man. But that won’t happen as long as my father can’t see past the tip of his nose.

“Now, get off my property before I lose control of Jason and he kills you.” The fact my father didn’t like Jen and now doesn’t like Erin has put him on the permanent shitlist with Jason. “For mom’s sake, don’t make me kill you.” I growled, clenching my fists as Jason was eager to come forward and end this family dispute with blood.

“Then I wash my hands of you. I thought with Jason returning that you could rebuild your reputation. But obviously, you are set on staying in the gutter.” He snorted, turning to walk away.

‘Let me kill him.’ Jason snarled, lurching forward. It took all my strength to keep him back.

‘NO! We kill him, and mom dies! Hate him all you want, but mom has done nothing to hurt anyone! He’s a victim too. Don’t take her life because he’s an asshole.’ I shouted at Jason.

“Everything okay?” Erin questioned, her hand holding mine, acting as a balm. Jason finally relaxed at her touch. I sighed, glad I could let him go.

“No, but it will be. Let’s not let my father ruin today. I have everything we need. So if you’re ready, we can head out to the campsite.” I smiled, pushing away the feelings of anger my father created.

“You’re right. We shouldn’t let him ruin this. Today we will complete our bond; even if I don’t get a wolf, we will still be bound to each other.” She smiled, kissing my cheek, squeezing my hand before letting go.


A lot is going on in the first half of Hale's epilogue. Dane was taught a painful lesson. And now, six people live in a three-bedroom house. And finally, it's time for them to mark. I wonder if Erin will get a wolf. Oh and :P Dillon Shelton, you jerk!

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina Staab
man that old fart is real turd or should I say a jackass
goodnovel comment avatar
Simone Carlisle
I do really love the sweet moments!

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